Seattle Maternity Session | Discovery Park

Occasionally, nothing goes according to plan and you show up to a maternity session JUST as the break in the clouds turns to a downpour. Little did I know, I’d be photographing the most wonderful and down-to-earth crew. We laughed our way through the whole thing and ended up with some pretty sweet photos.

Lessons learned:
1. Never trust the forecast.
2. Pull out the umbrellas and do the session anyway, there’s a good chance it will make for some precious memories.

Newborn Home Lifestyle Session | Shoreline, Wa | Seattle Photographer

I first photographed Caitlin and Bryce at Discovery Park for a Maternity session last fall….and to say it was drizzling would be an understatement. We decided to do photos anyway, and these two were SUCH troopers. We laughed the whole way through, and at the end of it, I promised them that the newborn shoot would feel easier. Ironic yes? But that’s the thing really, newborn photo sessions are such a relaxing and beautiful experience. We go at the baby’s pace, taking breaks to feed or move around. These sessions make it so easy to get to know each other better. I’m so thrilled with how this gallery turned out. Scroll all the way through so you can see some four-legged siblings that tried to steal the show!

Wallingford & Fremont, Newborn Holiday Lifestyle Session | Seattle Family Photography

I really enjoy it when families find creative ways to show their personalities during our newborn sessions. This set of new parents really enjoys hosting and baking, so it was only natural to document a bit of their life in the kitchen! They decided to make Hawaiian rolls in between family photos, breastfeeding, listening to Christmas music, calming the baby down, etc. Are you inspired yet? I love that despite all the big changes in their lives, they are still finding ways to prioritize the hobbies they love. And I also really love that I got to take some samples home. :) So much gratitude for this wonderful family, and so very happy for their newest addition. Congrats Berg fam!!

Courthouse Adoption & Celebration | Northeast Seattle Family Photographer

Officially Adopted. ❤️

Shown below are some of my favorite moments I’ve ever captured. While there was no *epic* view, and the fluorescent courthouse lighting left much to be desired, what you’re seeing here is pure bliss. I’ve photographed the Hall family for years, and I’ve witnessed what a long and grueling process the legalities of adoption can be. But November 8th was filled with precious moments that could only be compared to big sister’s adoption two years prior.

Newborn Home Lifestyle Session | Wallingford |Seattle, Washington

One of my favorite parts about living in the Wallingford area—other than the awesome restaurants, Green Lake access, and small town vibes— is the Wallingford Fremont Facebook Page. Someone is always posting something entertaining (think Gilmore Girls character humor), and occasionally I get super lucky and connect with awesome neighbors looking for a local photographer! So that is the backstory to this adorable newborn lifestyle session. Scroll through these session highlights and enjoy the cuteness that is a baby and his golden retriever siblings. :)