Redfin recently reached out asking if I’d share some real estate photography expertise for Mike Cahill’s blog post on “Most Common Listing Photo Mistakes and How to Fix Them.” In my past 6 years of photographing homes, I’ve gained a lot of skills through trial and error, and one of the most unique tricks I've learned is surprisingly unrelated to light or gear. Check out what I wrote below, and then head over to Redfin’s Blog for more advice on how to best photograph your home. Whether you’re trying to get into interior design photography, or you want to put your home on the market, this article has all the best insight in one place.
“While it helps to have a tripod for home shoots, I recommend you always start by photographing the space without one. Tripods are great for photographing with slow shutters, height consistency, and artificial lighting, but they also tend to limit creativity in composition. Try beginning your photo session by walking around with your eye against the viewfinder, moving from corner to corner, and getting high and low. Embrace your inner yogi ninja! After taking enough test shots and identifying what angles are most flattering, set up the tripod, and click away. – Catie Bergman Photography”