Spontaneous Beach Day with New Friends | Port d’Alon, France

A few months ago, on our last day in France, Dan and I planned a spontaneous trip to a litttle beach cove on the Mediterranean. About 30 minutes in, Dan pointed at a couple off in the distance and said “Catie, I think that guy is about to cliff jump!” I quickly snapped a pic, and then waffled on whether it was weird to share the photo.
Dan sensed my nervousness and asked “What do you have to lose?” We decided to go over and introduce ourselves.
Little did we know, 7 hours would pass and we’d still be talking with them.

We’d spend the whole day connecting, creating memories, and learning about our similar personalities, despite our different lives and cultures.
Shocking to me, the three of them would even help me find the courage jump off said cliff! I’ve been terrified to do this for years, but their support was so heartwarming, and the jump led to such bliss. (thanks for the sweet photos, Jeanne!)
This really was one of those days that felt more like a dream. That magical light you only find in movies, the feeling of being so in-the-moment that you lose any sense of time, and that high of getting into deep conversations with friends that were literally just strangers.

So today, on Dan’s 33rd birthday and our 4th wedding anniversary, I want to express my gratitude for this man. He leads life with curiousity, pushes me out of my comfort zone, and holds my hand when the leap feels too high. Here’s to many more years, and facing many more fears.